BOTOX®. You have all heard of it, often times associated with helping the skin maintain a smooth, youthful appearance. However, a dentist doing botox? I am sure a lot of you are wondering how exactly it’s implemented in a dental practice. Being that Beachside Complete Dental Care is one of the few dental clinics in Melbourne who offer it, we thought we would fill you in on how botox and dentistry can come hand in hand.
BOTOX® can be used to treat complications associated with TMJ. The temporo-mandibular joint or TMJ, is located on both sides of the head where the jawbone meets the skull. Most commonly used for talking, eating, swallowing and numerous other activities- which we all do a lot of, one can imagine the amount of work this joint puts in!
This joint can also become displaced or overworked through excessive teeth grinding, causing severe tension headaches and sharp pain in the jaw. Teeth grinding, typically done in one’s sleep unbeknownst to the grinder, will often wake one up with a killer headache and stiff jaw- fun right?
Consequently, BOTOX® can be used as an alternative treatment to alleviate jaw tension and TMJ disorders. Beachside Dental proudly offers BOTOX for TMJ at our Frankston dental office.
How Does BOTOX® Treat Jaw Tension and TMJ Disorder
BOTOX® is injected directly into the temporalis, frontalis and masseter areas to ease pain and discomfort. Additional sites may be injected depending on the severity of the pain.
BOTOX® also eliminates headaches caused from the aforementioned teeth grinding, and in severe cases, can even minimize lockjaw. When BOTOX® for jaw clenching is used, it makes these muscles unable to engage in these powerful, often unconscious movements in the jaw that lead to the pain and discomfort.
The Process
The BOTOX® procedure is non-surgical and typically takes 10-30 minutes to complete at Beachside Dental. Patients can expect minimal pain, similar to that of a bug bite or needle prick. The injections are administered at our dental clinic and most patients experience improvement within one or two days of their first treatment. However, full relief can sometimes take up to a week after the injections are received. Only the areas injected will be affected by this treatment. So don’t worry, you won’t be feeling the effects anywhere else on your body.
After the Treatment
Patients can expect to see mild bruising, numbness, or redness around the injection sites once BOTOX for TMJ is used. Because the treatment is nonsurgical, patients can most likely return to normal activities promptly after the procedure. However, physical activity should be limited for up to 24 hours. To avoid spreading BOTOX® to other muscles, patients should not rub or massage the injected area and must remain upright for several hours after the procedure. So no napping right after you receive BOTOX for TMJ! Sorry guys!
Risks and Side-effects
Possible side-effects of BOTOX® treatments are limited but include headaches, respiratory infection, flu, temporary eyelid droop, and nausea. Less commonly reported effects are pain, redness or bruising at spot of injection and muscle weakness occurring within the first week. BOTOX® injection treatments are not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
BOTOX in dentistry can be extremely beneficial and effective. So, if you are looking for a fast, non-surgical, non-invasive way to kick the pain associated with TMJ in the keester, stop by Beachside Complete Dental Care for your BOTOX® treatment today!