Fix Crooked Teeth with Our Treatment - Beachside Dental

Crooked Teeth Treatment

Why you might worry about crooked teeth

More than just a cosmetic issue, wonky or crooked teeth can contribute to serious oral health concerns. Crooked teeth can make it difficult to brush and floss properly, which can allow for plaque and debris build up, which leads to cavities and gum disease.

At Beachside Complete Dental Care and Dental Implant Centre we offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry solutions to fix your crooked teeth including orthodontic treatments (braces, Invisalign®), porcelain veneers and dental crowns. If you’re wondering how to fix crooked bottom or top teeth or are looking to get your teeth fixed at Beachside Dental and want more information, read on!

What causes crooked teeth?

There are numerous potential causes for crooked teeth. We’re here to help you find the cause. And give you some options of quick fixes for crooked teeth. Here’s a rundown of the causes of crooked teeth.

Are Crooked teeth genetic?

You may have inherited those crooked bottom teeth from your parents (thanks Mum and Dad). Or picked those wonky pegs up from ancestors further back. But don’t worry, they can still be fixed.

Things like overbites (when upper teeth sit too far forward in the jaw and extend beyond the lower set of teeth) and underbites (when the lower teeth sit too far forward) can be passed down. You also may have inherited a jaw that’s a little too small for your teeth, hence over crowding and misaligned teeth.

The modern diet

Our ancestors a long way back ate a different diet to us, which required a lot of vigorous chewing. This made for a larger and stronger jaw, with teeth that matched up well to the jaw size.

Since our food has become more refined and much softer, we use our jaws a whole lot less. Often we barely chew, or if we do, we’ve cut up our food before it makes it to our mouths, resulting in our jaws doing less work. Hence, our jaws have gradually grown smaller through inaction. Our teeth, however, haven’t changed so much, and are often too big for our smaller jaws. This can lead to overcrowding when teeth erupt, and overcrowding makes for crooked teeth.

When wisdom teeth push through, this can add to overcrowding and cause misaligned teeth.

Poor diet

Socio-economic factors may play a part in crooked teeth. Malnutrition and medications can cause the jaw and teeth to not develop correctly. (When teeth are missing, other teeth can move out of alignment, and appear crooked.)

Myofunctional habits

Some habits, related to ‘misuse’ of the mouth and jaw, can lead to crooked teeth, and these habits can start early. Things like thumb sucking, or using a dummy (pacifier) as a baby, can lead to the teeth and mouth structure developing incorrectly.

Sometimes, problems like allergies, asthma or enlarged adenoids, can lead to open mouth breathing, which again, over time, changes jaw development, and the subsequent alignment of teeth.

Poor dental hygiene

Inefficient cleaning can lead to tooth or gum issues. The degradation of teeth or gum disease may result in tooth loss, which will then leave the possibility for adjacent teeth to move position.


It goes without saying that an injury to the jaw can result in teeth moving out of alignment. A sports injury, for example, may push teeth sideways, or cause them to be lost completely. Sporting injuries are very common and that’s why we recommend mouth guards be worn in contact sports so there is no risk of injury that can cause crooked front or crooked bottom teeth.

Fixing Crooked Teeth

Wondering how your crooked bottom teeth can be fixed? There are a number of different treatments for correcting crooked and misaligned teeth. Some crooked teeth treatments work on actual alignment correction (braces for example) and others simply correct the appearance of the teeth, so they appear straight. Treatments are available for crooked front or crooked bottom teeth. Your dentist will recommend the most suitable treatment to help fix your crooked bottom or top teeth

Looking for quick fixes for crooked teeth?

Want a crooked teeth fix that won’t take months to see results? If you are troubled by crooked front teeth or crooked bottom teeth and are after a quick fix, contact us at Beachside Dental today for a dental consultation. Our expert dentists can discuss what options are available for you to achieve a perfect smile fast!

What Treatments Are Available To Fix Crooked Teeth?


When fixing crooked teeth, we will look at your teeth and the shape of your jaw, and determine if you need braces. Before braces though, they may start with a palatal expander, which widens the upper jaw, and a lingual bar to open the lower jaw. Braces are then fitted to fix the teeth.

During return visits, we will adjust the braces so that they continue to gradually align the teeth. At the end of the entire process, a retainer is fitted, so that the teeth maintain their new position.

Braces come in either metal or ceramic (clear braces). Most often, braces are recommended at around the age of 10-14, while the jaw is still developing, but adults can opt for them too.

Generally braces are a straight forward, crooked teeth fix which are worn for between 18 and 30 months. A retainer is used once your braces are removed to retain your teeth in their new position.


Wondering how to fix crooked teeth without braces? Fixing teeth without braces is possible! An alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign® is a treatment that straightens your teeth using clear plastic orthodontic aligners. These invisible braces treat overbite, underbite, crossbite, gap teeth, open bite, and crowded teeth.

Because they are transparent, people barely notice them, which makes them an appealing option for those who don’t like the appearance of braces, but still want crooked teeth treatment. (Often adults will opt for Invisalign, as they want to straighten their teeth without it being obvious.)

Invisalign® aligners are removable. You wear them for up to 22 hours per day, and remove them when you eat and drink. The removable aligners allow you to maintain dental hygiene by brushing and flossing normally, and you can eat whatever you want. The smooth plastic aligners ensure a comfortable ongoing treatment.

Veneers and Crowns

If straightening the alignment of teeth with braces or Invisalign is not suitable, there are some ways to correct the appearance of crooked teeth.

Veneers for crooked teeth

Veneers can be applied to the teeth to correct issues like gaps between the teeth, or uneven teeth. There are two types to choose from.

Composite veneers are resin veneers that are applied in a single dentist visit and last for between 4-8 years if well cared for. For those in need of a quick and affordable solution, composite veneers are a good option.

Porcelain veneers are made from a thin layer of porcelain which reflects light in the same way as natural tooth enamel, and does not stain. They are more expensive option than composite veneers, but have the advantage of lasting for between 10-25 years if well cared for. Applying porcelain veneers generally takes place over two dentist visits.

Care for both composite and porcelain veneers includes routine dental examinations and hygiene visits, good oral hygiene and may include the nightly application of an occlusal splint.

Crowns / Caps

Crowns or caps are prosthetics fixed onto a tooth. They are generally used to cover a damaged or broken tooth as they hide the appearance of the break, but also serve to strengthen any remaining part of the tooth, and allow the tooth to function as it previously did. They can also be used to correct the appearance of a crooked tooth.

A number of different types of crowns may be used for a particular fix, including ceramic crowns (which match well to natural tooth colour), gold and other metal alloys, which are very strong. You can also get porcelain crowns for crooked teeth; the porcelain crowns are fused to metal, which increases the strength of the crown.

Why not take the chance to boost your self-esteem and your dental health by straightening those teeth? Check out our expert team of dentists at our Frankston dental clinic. Book a consultation and learn about which crooked teeth treatment options are best suited for your needs.

Now that you know that your crooked top or bottom teeth can be fixed, contact Beachside Dental to start your journey toward a perfect smile today!


  • How to fix crooked teeth without braces?

    One option to fix crooked teeth without braces is through the use of clear aligners, such as Invisalign®. These aligners are custom-made to gradually shift the teeth into the desired position. They are nearly invisible and can be removed for eating and oral hygiene. Another option is dental veneers, which are thin shells placed over the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance. However, veneers only address the cosmetic aspect and may not correct the alignment as effectively as orthodontic treatment.

  • Can you get veneers with crooked teeth?

    Yes, veneers can be used to improve the appearance of crooked teeth. Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. They can help create the illusion of straighter teeth by covering up the imperfections. However, it’s important to note that veneers are a cosmetic solution and do not address the underlying alignment issues. In cases of severely crooked teeth, orthodontic treatment may be more suitable.

  • How do veneers straighten teeth

    Veneers do not straighten teeth like braces or aligners do. They are thin shells that cover the front surface of teeth to improve appearance. While they can create the illusion of straighter teeth by addressing minor misalignments or irregularities, they do not physically move teeth. For severe misalignment or functional issues, orthodontic treatments are recommended to achieve proper alignment. Veneers primarily focus on improving aesthetics rather than straightening teeth.

  • Do you have to get braces before veneers

    Braces are not always necessary before getting veneers. The need for braces before getting veneers depends on the individual’s specific dental situation. In some cases, orthodontic treatment with braces may be recommended before considering veneers.If you have more complex orthodontic issues, such as crooked or crowded teeth, a misaligned bite, or significant gaps between teeth, your dentist or orthodontist may recommend orthodontic treatment with braces or other orthodontic appliances before considering veneers.

  • Can dental bonding fix crooked teeth?

    Dental bonding can be used to fix minor issues with crooked teeth. In dental bonding, a tooth-coloured resin material is applied to the tooth and shaped to improve its appearance. While dental bonding can help improve the alignment of slightly crooked teeth, it may not be as effective for more severe cases. Orthodontic treatments, such as braces or clear aligners, are usually recommended for significant alignment corrections.

  • How to fix teeth without braces

    There are several ways to fix teeth without braces. Clear aligners like Invisalign® gradually shift teeth into alignment and are removable and discreet. Dental bonding can reshape and improve the appearance of teeth, but may not be suitable for significant misalignments. Veneers are thin shells that cover the front of teeth, offering a straighter smile, but primarily address cosmetic concerns. Consultation with a dental professional is essential to determine the best treatment option for your specific needs and goals.

  • How long does it take to straighten crooked teeth?

    The time required to straighten crooked teeth can vary depending on the severity of the misalignment and the chosen treatment method. Traditional braces are typically worn for 18 to 30 months, although the duration may be shorter for minor cases. Invisalign® treatment can take anywhere from several months to a couple of years, depending on the individual’s specific needs. It’s best to consult with an orthodontist or a dentist to determine the estimated treatment time for your particular case.

  • Are there any non-invasive or non-surgical treatments for crooked teeth?

    Orthodontic treatments such as clear aligners (e.g., Invisalign®) and certain types of braces (e.g., lingual braces) can be considered non-invasive or non-surgical options for treating crooked teeth. These methods involve applying gentle pressure to gradually move the teeth into proper alignment without the need for surgical intervention. However, it’s important to note that more severe cases of crooked teeth may require surgical options or a combination of orthodontic and surgical treatments.

  • Is it necessary to treat crooked teeth, or is it just a cosmetic concern?

    While crooked teeth can be a cosmetic concern for many individuals, they can also contribute to oral health issues. Crooked teeth can make it more challenging to properly clean and maintain oral hygiene, leading to an increased risk of plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease. Additionally, misaligned teeth may cause difficulties with proper chewing and can put excessive stress on certain teeth, leading to issues like tooth wear or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. Therefore, treating crooked teeth is not only beneficial for aesthetics but also for maintaining good oral health.

  • How much does crooked teeth treatment cost?

    The cost of crooked teeth treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the misalignment, the chosen treatment method, the location of the dental practice, and any additional procedures required. Veneers and dental bonding costs can vary depending on the number of teeth being treated and the materials used. It’s best to consult with a dental professional for an accurate cost estimate based on your specific needs.

  • Can crooked teeth cause other dental issues?

    Yes, crooked teeth can contribute to various dental issues. Misaligned teeth can make it difficult to properly clean and floss between the teeth, leading to an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. Crooked teeth can also result in improper bite alignment, which can cause problems with chewing, speaking, and even jaw discomfort or TMJ disorders. Additionally, the pressure and stress on certain teeth due to misalignment may lead to tooth wear, fractures, or enamel erosion over time.

  • Are there any age restrictions for getting crooked teeth treatment?

    There are no specific age restrictions for getting crooked teeth treatment. Orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners can be used for both children and adults. In fact, an increasing number of adults are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve the alignment of their teeth. However, it’s generally recommended to start orthodontic treatment during adolescence when the jaw is still growing, as it may lead to more favourable outcomes. Nevertheless, adults can still achieve successful results with orthodontic treatment.

  • How do I choose the right orthodontist or dental professional for my crooked teeth treatment?

    When choosing an orthodontist or dental professional for crooked teeth treatment, it’s important to consider their qualifications, experience, and reputation. You can start by asking for recommendations from your regular dentist or seeking referrals from friends, family, or trusted healthcare professionals. Research their credentials, including their education, certifications, and any specialised training in orthodontics. It’s also helpful to schedule a consultation to discuss your treatment options, ask questions, and assess their communication style and approach to patient care.

  • What should I expect during the crooked teeth treatment process?

    The crooked teeth treatment process will depend on the chosen method, whether it’s braces, clear aligners, veneers, or other options. Generally, it involves an initial consultation where your dental professional will assess your teeth, discuss treatment options, and create a customised treatment plan. For orthodontic treatments, you will have regular appointments for adjustments or aligner changes. Veneers or dental bonding procedures typically require the preparation of the teeth, impressions, and subsequent placement of the restorations. The timeline and specific steps will vary based on the chosen treatment.

  • Are there any home remedies or exercises that can help improve crooked teeth?

    While there are no proven home remedies or exercises that can effectively straighten crooked teeth, practising good oral hygiene is essential for maintaining oral health. Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can help prevent dental issues associated with crooked teeth, such as cavities and gum disease. It’s important to remember that professional dental treatments, such as braces or clear aligners, are typically necessary to correct the alignment of crooked teeth.

  • Will insurance cover the cost of crooked teeth treatment?

    The coverage for crooked teeth treatment by insurance can vary depending on the specific insurance plan and the type of treatment needed. Some dental insurance plans may provide partial coverage for orthodontic treatments like braces or Invisalign® for both adults and children. However, coverage limitations, waiting periods, and pre-authorisation requirements may apply. Cosmetic treatments like veneers or dental bonding are generally classified as major dental. It’s recommended to review your insurance policy or consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage for crooked teeth treatment.

  • Can crooked teeth impact speech or chewing ability?

    Yes, crooked teeth can potentially impact speech and chewing ability. Misaligned teeth may cause speech difficulties, such as lisping or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds correctly. Additionally, when the bite is not aligned properly, it can affect the ability to chew food efficiently and comfortably. Correcting crooked teeth can improve these issues by creating proper alignment and occlusion, allowing for better speech articulation and improved chewing function.

  • What steps can I take to maintain the results of my crooked teeth treatment in the long term?

    To maintain the results of your crooked teeth treatment, it’s important to follow the instructions provided by your dental professional and practise good oral hygiene. This includes regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups and cleanings. If you have received orthodontic treatment, wearing your retainers as directed by a dental professional to prevent relapse of your teeth. Avoiding habits that can contribute to tooth movement, such as excessive thumb sucking or teeth grinding, can also help preserve the results of your treatment in the long term.